What is the hard matter, when you learn Chinese characters?
Is it hard to remember the form of Chinese characters?
Is it hard to write?
Is it taken too long time to learn?
The structures of Chinese characters are they not logical?
Learn how to speak Chinese language and how to write Chinese characters are two different subjects.
Learn to speak Chinese only, then you will be a Chinese illiterate.
You can learn Chinese characters in your language (not 100%), just like the Japanese, the Korean or the Vietnamese who read Chinese characters in their language. They need not to speak Dazhongyu大众语(=Madarine=Chinese=Putonghua=Huayu=Guanhua=Dazhonghua大众话)
eg. 我学华文。In English, you can pronounce “I learn Chinese characters”.
Why The Chinese write like that? Two thousand year ago, the Chinese already knew of the alphabetic “abc” systembut they didn’t use it. Are they stupid?
Why character 我 stands for the words “I”, “me”?
Why character 学 conveys the meaning to learn?
Why character 華 means beauty, beautiful?
Why character 文 means character?
Let me know how can I help you to make it easy for you, to shorten your learning task.
In ten minutes of learning, a beginner is able to pronounce 20 new Chinese charactes. Do you believe? I can only tell you, when you want to learn.
Prof. Bernhard Kargen: “The old theory, which classified Chinese as a ‘primitive’ language, not yet raised to the inflectional status, is the opposite of the truth. Chinese, in fact, has followed exactly the same line of evolution as the Indo-European languages….
English is perharps in this respect the most highly developed Indo-European language, but Chinese has progressed much further….
The literature of China is, as we have stated, an Esperanto, but be it observed, exclusively a written one, and in this respect it is surely unique…” (Sound and Symbol in Chinese, London, Oxford University Press, Humphrey Milford, p.25-41)
The Mayor of Gisborne, Mr. Meng Foon, JP: “I learnt to pronounce 20 Chinese words in 5 minutes; I was fascinated with the stories that each character told.”
Esther Burnie: “I am surprised at how fast I could pick up the Flowery Characters and how easy it was to learn my first few words in Chinese. I come from Switzerland originally and learning English was not that easy.”
“I am able to speak and write four different languages, namely, English, Tamil, Sinhala and Arabic. This is the first time that I was able to learn and remember 21 characters in just six minutes. MOHAMED C.A. HASSAN
UMBERTO ECO: “Chinese might be the language of Adam…Chinese was offered as a model for an international language….Chinese writing was considered perfect in so far as with ideograms every element on the exoression-plane corresponded to a semantic unit on the content-plane….(The Search For The Perfect Language, Fontana Press, 1995/1997, p.158-161)
These pages below will prove how does it take to learn to pronounce twenty new compound chinese characters.
Please record the time before you continue to read. Now it is ………..o’clock…………..minutes.

Is it easy to remember this Chinese character stand for nail? YES or NO?
How long does it take to learn to pronounce twenty new compound characters?
FLOWERY CHARACTERS is published by HUA YAN SHE, 18 Kiwi st, Rotorua 3015, New Zealand
Next: The right words for “Chinese characters” “Chinese spoken language”, ” China”…